Kleiboeker Family Tree - Person Sheet
Kleiboeker Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameColonus Johann Phillip Kruse
Birth20 Apr 1799, , Aschendorf, Lower Saxony, Germany
Birth, , Lower Saxony, Germany
Notes for Colonus Johann Phillip Kruse
Johann was listed in the Dissen church records as "Colonus". This word seems
to come from the latin "to colonize" as well as the root word where we get the military term Colonel. In Germany being a “Colon” meant that Johann had rights to be a tenant farmer on the land called the Kruse Hof, and his heirs could inherit the tenancy forever. He was obligated to provide 10% of his earnings to the landowner, which was mostly like the local prince or King.

He lived in Haus #11 in Aschendorf from at least 1823-1826
Last Modified 2 Jun 2013Created 1 Feb 2019 By Dennis R Kruse
For any updates, corrections or changes, please send them to Dennis Kruse at dennisrkruse@gmail.com

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